Barang siapa makan barang haram sedang dia lama menjalankan ibadah , maka dia seperti burung merpati yang mengerami telur busuk. Dia telah memayahkan dirinya kerana lamanya diam di tepat padahal tak satupun yang menetas, sebaliknya telur itu keluar menjadi busuk. ___ Ali Al Khawwas


5 Makhluk Lagenda Dalam Cerita Rakyat Malaysia Adapun orang-orang yang telah putih berseri mukanya, maka mereka berada dalam limpah rahmat Allah (Syurga), mereka kekal di dalamnya. (A-li'Imraan 3:107) .
TV ALHIJRAH     /    TV1  /   TV2    /     TV3   /     NTV7   /    TV9
Mereka itulah orang-orang yang membeli kesesatan dengan meninggalkan petunjuk; maka tiadalah beruntung perniagaan mereka dan tidak pula mereka beroleh petunjuk hidayah. (Al-Baqarah 2:16) .

PANAS>>Ustaz Salman Ali | Ustaz Abu Syafiq


SUDAH diberi ingat.... hendak juga.. ikut...

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika kamu taatkan orang-orang yang kafir nescaya mereka akan menolak kamu kembali kepada kekufuran, lalu menjadilah kamu orang-orang yang rugi. (A-li'Imraan 3:149)) . .. Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendustakan kebenaran). (Al-Baqarah 2:10) . Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membeli (memilih) kufur dengan meninggalkan iman tidak sekali-kali mereka akan dapat mendatangkan mudarat kepada Allah sedikitpun, dan mereka pula beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.(A-li'Imraan 3:177) Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang kafir menjadi teman rapat dengan meninggalkan orang-orang yang beriman. Adakah kamu hendak mengadakan alasan yang terang nyata bagi Allah untuk (menyeksa) kamu?(An-Nisaa' 4:144).

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Monday, December 1, 2014

Mahasiswa UM kena nasihat #fahmi zainol #belajarbagihabis

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hina Kalimah Allah Dengan Najis Dan Darah Haid, Kini Maut Dalam Keadaan Ngeri...

Seorang gadis Mesir yang menggemparkan umat dunia semalam apabila beliau dengan beraninya mengalirkan darah haid atas kalimah allah kini terlibat dalam kemalangan ngeri menurut sumber dari Kini kesombongan dirinya tidak dapat lagi diperlihatkan kerana perbuatan kejinya dibayar cash didunia. Alangkah ruginya seorang manusia itu jika belum sempat bertaubat. Walahu alam.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Banduan Akhir, Mesej Dari Penjara - WHI TV3

Memang menusuk kalbu… Itulah yang dapat dirungkaikan selepas penulis menonton video Banduan Akhir, Mesej Dari Penjara yang ditayangkan oleh program Wanita Hari Ini (WHI), baru-baru ini. Sofia, yang merupakan banduan akhir bakal menjalani hukuman gantung sampai mati di atas kesalahan membunuh ahli keluarga sendiri. Kehadiran Sofia di studio WHI ternyata memberikan satu suasana yang suram dan kelam apabila mendengar rintihannya sepanjang menjalani kehidupan di penjara. Malah, tetamu VIP pada hari itu, Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi turut terharu ketika melihat Sofia dipertemukan dengan ibu bapanya dan juga anak saudara yang paling rapat dengan dirinya. Memang sedih.. Tapi, seperti kata Ustaz Abd. Rasyid Ahmad yang turut menjadi tetamu pada hari itu, cara kematian tidak penting, yang penting adalah mati dalam keadaan beriman atau Husnul Khatimah. Sekurang-kurangnya dengan mengetahui waktu dan tiba hari kematiannya, Sofia mungkin sudah melengkapkan dirinya dengan bekalan untuk dibawa ke akhirat kelak.. Apa-apa pun kita doakan sahaja yang terbaik buat Sofia..-

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Fitnah Liwat II: Anwar dakwa Umno ganggu peguamnya dalam usaha seretnya ke penjara...

Hadi: Keputusan PAS Pusat tak canggah Majlis Syura...

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  • Rumah penduduk Kg Chubadak siap 70 peratus, simbol...
  • Krisis MB Selangor dan masa depan Pakatan
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  • Cabaran pasca 17 Ogos lebih besar kepada Pakatan, ...
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  • Pendirian PAS jadikan kedudukan Khalid semakin suk...
  • Wednesday, August 13, 2014



    Nasihat saya kepada Tan Sri Khalid supaya melakukan segera perkara-perkara berikut:

    1. Memecat dengan serta-merta Anwar Ibrahim daripada jawatan Penasihat Ekonomi Negeri Selangor dan mengarahkan Anwar mengosongkan serta-merta pejabat PENS dan membawa bersamanya kesemua kakitangan yang ada;

    Memecat serta-merta kesemua anggota Exco Kerajaan Negeri daripada PKR-DAP; - Done-

    3. Memecat serta merta Saifuddin Nasution Ismail daripada jawatan Penyelaras Perhubungan Kerajaan Negeri dan PKR dan mengarahkan beliau mengosongkan pejabat dengan serta-merta;

    4. Memecat serta-merta kesemua Pengerusi, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, Pengurus Besar dan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah daripada parti PKR-DAP didalam kesemua GLC, Perbadanan dan syarikat milik atau yang dikuasai oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor;

    5. Melantik sekurang-kurangnya tambahan 6 orang lagi ADUN PAS menjadi Exco Kerajaan Selangor, ini akan menjadikan Exco Selangor mantap dan kuat dengan 10 anggota Exco;

    6. Apabila Dewan bersidang nanti, memecat Speaker dan kedua-dua Timbalan Speaker daripada DAP-PKR dan melantik seorang yang bukan ahli parti, seperti bekas Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan atau yang setaraf dengannya sebagai Speaker DUN yang baru,

    7. Memberi surat tunjuk sebab kepada semua Ahli Majlis PBT daripada DAP-PKR menyatakan mengapa mereka tidak harus dipecat kerana menyokong pendirian parti mereka DAP-PKR memecat Tan Sri Khalid. Jika mereka masih menyokong DAP-PKR, maka kesemua Ahli Majlis PBT tersebut wajib dipecat serta-merta;

    8. Kesemua jawatan Ahli Majlis PBT yang dikosongkan itu hendaklah diisi oleh ahli-ahli PAS atau aktivitis masyarakat yang bersesuaian;

    9. Mengadakan pertemuan segera dengan kesemua ADUN PAS Selangor dan pimpinan PAS Negeri dan Pusat untuk memastikan kelancaran pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri Selangor.

    10. Mendedahkan kepada rakyat, jika ada, kesemua projek atau habuan kewangan yang telah, sedang dan dalam proses diperolehi dan atau diberikan kepada Anwar Ibrahim, kroni atau ahli keluarganya, atau pimpinan dan ahli PKR-DAP serta kaum keluarga mereka.

    Kepada Datuk Nik Aziz, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang, dan kepimpinan PAS, saya mendoakan supaya istiqomah dalam keputusan menyokong Tan Sri Khalid. Saya mendoakan supaya mereka dihindari dan dijauhi daripada fitnah, tipudaya, pembohongan dan putarbelit daripada PKR-DAP dalam keputusan mereka mempertahankan Tan Sri Khalid.

    Manakala kepada PAS pula, saya nasihatkan supaya mengambil kesempatan daripada peluang pembentukan Kerajaan Selangor ini dengan menunjukkan kehebatan dan kebaikan pemerintahan Islam. Fahami prinsip Fiqh Awlawiyyah dalam pemerintahan dan pentadbiran Kerajaan.

    Jangan lakukan kesilapan seperti yang telah dilakukan sebelum ini. Pertahan dan perkasakan Islam dan syariat Islam sebagaimana yang ditetapkan Allah didalam Al-Quran dan Hadis Rasulullah saw; dan jagalah kepentingan dan kebajikan orang Melayu sebagaimana yang telah diperuntukkan oleh undang-undang tanpa menafikan hak atau menzalimi kaum bukan Melayu dan bukan Islam.

    Ingatlah, Allah yang memberikan kuasa, dan Allah yang menarik balik kuasa!

    Peganglah amanah yang diberikan Allah ini sebaik-baiknya. Jangan jadikan jawatan dan pemerintahan sebagai medan membuat habuan, tetapi jadikan ianya sebagai suatu amanah yang perlu dipertanggungjawabkan dihadapan Allah nanti!

    Allah hu akbar, walillah hilhamd!

    Wallahhua'lam dan wassalam.

    Adios amigos, grasias senor.

    Zulkifli Bin Noordin
    16 Syawal 1435
    12 Ogos 2014

    Saturday, August 9, 2014

    20140808 Saifuddin diperangkap buat kerja bodoh

    Nasihat Syeikh Abdullah Rahhal kepada rakyat Malaysia tentang ISIS

     [Harian Metro] Jakarta: Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Jawa Tengah semalam mengeluarkan fatwa mengharamkan gerakan radikal Negara Islam Iraq dan Syria (ISIS) dan tiada sesiapa pun dibenarkan menyertainya atas alasan apa saja. Ketuanya, Ahmad Darodji berkata, fatwa berkenaan akan diikuti dengan keputusan sama oleh MUI Pusat hari ini. Keputusan itu diambil selepas MUI Jawa Tengah mengadakan pertemuan tertutup mengenai ISIS semalam. Sementara itu, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi Indonesia Tifatul Sembiring mengarahkan supaya tujuh rakaman video pejuang ISIS disekat daripada diakses oleh seluruh penduduk negara berkenaan mulai semalam. Tindakan berkenaan diambil selepas menteri terbabit mendapat kecaman hebat daripada orang ramai. Menurut Tifatul, walaupun tujuh klip video itu sudah dibuang masih wujud 20 salinan lain mengenainya. “Kerajaan sedang berusaha memadamnya,” katanya. Di samping itu, menurut Tifatul, jika wujud lagi mesej daripada kumpulan bersenjata Sunni berkenaan ia perlu dipantau agar mudah untuk disekat penyiarannya. Jika ada individu yang bertindak membuat salinan video seumpama itu, katanya, mereka akan diserahkan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk dikenakan tindakan sewajarnya. “Jika ada mana-mana pihak melakukan kesalahan seperti itu sewajarnya diserahkan kepada Jabatan Jenayah Siber polis,” katanya. - Agensi/7/8/14

    Wednesday, April 16, 2014

    Auto Show-Mustang 50th


    Artist Olga Oleynik, 25, poses for a photograph in her "anti-cafe" in Kiev on March 26, 2014, where her painting of a "naked" Viktor Yanukovych is exposed. First he was stripped of his presidency, then his lavish mansion and opulent tastes were laid bare, and now ousted Ukraine leader Viktor Yanukovych has been exposed even further, in an infamous nude painting on display in central Kiev. A burly and grim Yanukovych slouches in an unflattering position, with no detail left to the imagination, in the painting called "The Naked King" which swept to accidental fame during the revolution that forced him to flee the country in February.

    Britain Henri Matisse Exhibition

    Britain Henri Matisse Exhibition
    Sophie Matisse, the great-granddaughter of Henri Matisse, stands alongside his work 'Blue Nude III 1952' at The Tate Modern in London, Monday, April 14, 2014. The artworks are part of the 'Henri Matisse: The Cut-Outs' exhibition that runs at the gallery from April 17 until Sept. 7, 2014


    Dancers with the China Ningbo Performance & Arts Group perform a scene from “The Red Dress” during a dress rehearsal before opening night March 6, 2014 at the David H. Koch Theater at the Lincoln Center. The show which runs March 6 – 9 is the first time is has been performed in a major city outside of Asia.


    Colombian plastic surgeon Lina Triana holds one of the prothesis to be implanted to Angie Astudillo in Cali, Valle del Cauca department, Colombia, on October 24, 2013. The city of Cali has become one of the favorite destinations for men and women from different countries who seek low cost cosmetic surgery performed with professionalism and experience.


    People admire Kawasaki Heavy Industries' concept model of a stylish electric trike "J", which can be changed form of the vehicle for sporty or comfort riding style at a press preview at the Tokyo Motor Show in Tokyo on November 21, 2013. The 43rd Tokyo Motor Show, which runs until December 1, features 177 exhibitors including parts suppliers from a dozen countries

    Kenya Wildlife

    Kenya Wildlife
    Wildebeest walk in line toward the Mara River, in the Maasai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013. Only months after their annual migration south to Tanzania's Serengeti National Park, thousands of wildebeest have been spotted back in the Maasai Mara, a rare occurrence which wildlife officials have said may be the result of drought and insufficient pastureland in Tanzania.

    Music-Grammy Awards

    Music-Grammy Awards
    In this Nov. 13, 2013 file photo, singer Taylor Swift performs on the runway during the 2013 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show at the 69th Regiment Armory in New York. Swift was among the top nominees for the 56th annual Grammy Awards announced Friday night, Dec. 6, 2013

    Russia Travel Trip Sochi

    Russia Travel Trip Sochi
    In this May 19, 2011, file photo, an old Soviet style statue, right, is display over the sea port in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, southern Russia. For visitors to the Winter Olympics, Sochi may feel like a landscape from a dream. Palm trees evoke a tropical seaside resort, but the Black Sea itself is seriously cold; turn away from the palms and the jagged, snow-covered peaks of the Caucasus Mountains rise nearby.


    Kawasan perkampungan di pinggiran Sungai Sarawak bakal dibangunkan dan diberi nama Darul Hana pada majlis pelancaran projek pembangunan Darul Hana oleh Ketua Menteri Sarawak Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud di Dewan Undangan Negeri di sini, hari ini. Kawasan yang terlibat dengan pembangunan Darul Hana akan dijadikan sebuah kampung moden yang lengkap dengan pangsapuri, pusat komersil, institusi kesihatan dan pendidikan serta pusat penyebaran dan pengembangan agama dan budaya.


    A handhout image provided by Titan Aerospace/Google on 15 April 2014 shows a solar-powered Titan Aerospace drone. Technology giant Google fired a salvo 15 April against Facebook in their duel to providing internet service from the air to less-developed regions of the world, saying it has acquired Titan Aerospace, according to The Wall Street Journal. Titan's drones are reportedly able to remain aloft at an altitude of 19,000 metres for five years, using solar power. The drone looks like a glider and has a wingspan of 50 metres, according to photos published 15 April. The technology is expected to be ready by 2015.


    This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image released April 14, 2014 shows what appears to be a bright blue tadpole swimming through the blackness of space. Known as IRAS 20324+4057, but dubbed "the Tadpole," this clump of gas and dust has given birth to a bright, "protostar," one of the earliest steps in building a star. There are actually multiple protostars within this tadpole's 'head," but the glowing yellow one in this image is the most luminous and massive. When this protostar has gathered together enough mass from its surroundings, it will eventually emerge as a fully-fledged young star. The intense blue glow is caused by nearby stars firing ultraviolet radiation at IRAS 20324+4057, which also sculpts its tail into a long, wiggly shape. In total, this clump spans roughly a light-year from head to tail-tip, and contains gas weighing almost four times the mass of the sun.


    People dressed as a 'Viking warrior-crew' sail along the River Thames near the Houses of Parliament in central London on April 15, 2014. The crew sailed in a replica Viking boat to mark the forthcoming live broadcast to just under 400 cinemas across Britain of Vikings Live from the British Museum at 19:00hrs BST (1800hrs GMT) on April 24, 2014

    Switzerland Pillow Fight

    Switzerland Pillow Fight
    Young people amuse themselves taking part in a pillow fight during the pillow fight day in Lausanne, Switzerland, Saturday, April 5, 2014. Approximately 100 people took part in Lausanne


    Indian Hindu devotees offer prayers during the Chaiti Chhath festival in Siliguri on April 5, 2014. Devotees pay obeisance to both the rising and the setting sun in the Chhath festival when people express their thanks and seek the blessings of the forces of nature, mainly the sun and river.


    Armed people move on the few APC with Donetsk region flag in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk on April 16, 2014. Russian leader Vladimir Putin warned that Ukraine is on the verge of civil war, the Kremlin said Wednesday, after the Kiev government sent in troops against pro-Moscow separatists in the east of the country.


    Syrian refugees boys push a wheelbarrow along a road in the Zaatari refugee camp, a seven-square-kilometre (2.8-square-mile) camp that is home to more than 100,000 refugees, on April 15, 2014, some 10 days after riots killed one refugee and left dozens, mainly policemen, injured. The kingdom which neighbours Syria along its northern borders is hosting more than 500,000 Syrian refugees.


    Indonesian Baduy tribe women wait for their turn to cast their ballots during the parliamentary elections at a polling station in Kanekes village, Lebak, Banten province, Indonesia, 09 April 2014. Polls opened on 09 April in Indonesia's parliamentary elections amid expectations of an opposition victory. Twelve national political parties and three local parties in Aceh province are contesting the elections, the fourth since Indonesia embraced democracy following the fall of dictator Suharto in 1998.


    Fishermen gather on the banks of the Sobat river in Nasir on April 14, 2014. Conflict in South Sudan has triggered a serious risk of famine that will kill up to 50,000 children within months if immediate action is not taken, the UN has warned. The African country has experienced high levels of malnutrition since it gained independence in 2011, UNICEF said, and conditions have worsened since ethnic conflict broke out between troops loyal to President Salva Kiir and supporters of his former deputy Riek Machar

    Germany Spider Man

    Germany Spider Man
    US actress Emma Stone arrives for the German premiere of the movie 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' in Berlin, Germany, Tuesday, April 15, 2014.

    Belgium Daily Life

    Belgium Daily Life
    Thousands of Bluebells bloom in a forest near Halle, south of Brussels, Tuesday, April 15, 2014. Bluebells are particularly associated with ancient woodland where it may dominate the understorey to produce carpets of violet–blue flowers.


    10ThingstoSeeSports - North Korean spectators watch from the stands of Kim Il Sung Stadium as runners line up at the start of the Mangyongdae Prize International Marathon in Pyongyang, North Korea on Sunday, April 13, 2014. The annual race, which includes a full marathon, a half marathon, and a 10-kilometer run, was open to foreign tourists for the first time this year.


    This picture taken on April 15, 2014 shows people controlling drones to spray pesticides on a farm in Bozhou, central China's Anhui province. China's economy expanded 7.4 percent year-on-year in the first three months of the year, the government said Wednesday, marking a further slowing in the world's second-largest economy.

    Auto Show-Mustang 50th

    Auto Show-Mustang 50th
    This 1964 file photo shows the 1965 Ford Mustang, introduced in April 1964 and billed as a "low-priced, four-passenger sports car." Ford will announce a limited edition 50th Anniversary Mustang on Wednesday, April 16, 2014. Only 1,964 cars will be built


    APRIL 15: (L-R) Christina Grimmie, Delvin Choice and Kat Perkins arrive at NBC's "The Voice" Season 6 Top 12 Red Carpet Event at Universal CityWalk on April 15, 2014 in Universal City, California.

    South Korea Ship Sinking

    South Korea Ship Sinking
    South Korean coast guard officers and rescue team members try to rescue passengers from the ferry Sewol in the water off the southern coast near Jindo, south of Seoul, Wednesday, April 16, 2014. Dozens of boats, helicopters and divers scrambled Wednesday to rescue more than 470 people, including 325 high school students on a school trip, after a ferry sank off South Korea's southern coast


    In this August 26, 2011photo provided by OrthoPets, shows Veterinarian Christie Pace playing with Naki’o, a red heeler mix breed, the first dog to receive four prosthetic limbs at Denver, Colo. Naki’o was found in the cellar of a Nebraska foreclosed home with all four legs and its tail frozen in puddles of water-turned-ice. What frostbite didn’t do, a surgeon did, amputating all four legs and giving him four prosthetics.

    Auto Show Chevrolet

    Auto Show Chevrolet
    Members of the media surround the Chevrolet 2015 Corvette Z06 convertible at the New York International Auto Show, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, in New York

    Boston Marathon Bombing Anniversary

    Boston Marathon Bombing Anniversary
    A woman greets Paul Norden, right, as he and his brother, J.P. Norden, left, walk with a group of family and friends down Boylston Street toward the Boston Marathon finish line in Boston, Tuesday, April 15, 2014. The brothers, each of whom lost his right leg in the 2013 Marathon bombings, traveled the 26.2 miles of the marathon route Tuesday as a fundraiser. They face a lifetime of expenses for the prostheses that have replaced their legs

    South Korea Ship Sinking

    South Korea Ship Sinking
    South Korean rescue helicopters fly over a South Korean passenger ship, trying to rescue passengers from the ship in water off the southern coast in South Korea, Wednesday, April 16, 2014. The South Korean passenger ship carrying more than 470 people, including many high school students, is sinking off the country's southern coast Wednesday after sending a distress call, officials said. There are no immediate reports of causalities.


    This picture taken on April 15, 2014 shows people taking part in the annual water festival to celebrate the new year of the Dai ethnic group in Jinghong, southwest China's Yunnan province. A series of celebrations kick off on April 13 to welcome the coming year of 1376 in the Dai ethnic group calendar, with people dancing and parading on the streets of Jinghong municipality in China's Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.


    This image taken at sea some 20 kilometres off the island of Byungpoong in Jindo on April 16, 2014 shows a helicopter rescuing some of the 476 passengers and crew aboard a South Korean ferry sinking on its way to Jeju island from Incheon. South Korean coastguard vessels and helicopters pulled passengers off a stricken ferry as it sank on April 16 off the southern coast.


    This picture taken on April 14, 2014 shows Sun Liang lying on his hospital bed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Rizhao People's Hospital in Rizhao, east China's Shandong province. Sun Liang, 22 year-old, weighing more than 300 kilogramme currently, has been unable to walk since early this year and entered hospital for treatment after suffering from physical disfunctions caused by obesity in April, local media reported.

    model Ankita

    model Ankita

    model Ankita Shorey

    model Ankita Shorey
    Indian actress and model Ankita Shorey poses during the launch of a gym in Mumbai on April 15, 2014

    Australia Britain Royals

    Australia Britain Royals
    Britain's Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince George arrive in Sydney, Australia, Wednesday, April 16, 2014. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are on a three-week tour of Australia and New Zealand, the first official trip overseas with their son, Prince George

    Monday, April 7, 2014

    49th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards

    The Week That Was From Latin America Photo Gallery

    The Week That Was From Latin America Photo Gallery
    In this Monday, April 7, 2014 cell phone image provided by local station, Radio San Jose de Alcudia and downloaded from its Facebook page, a herd of cattle carcasses lay under a tree on a ranch in Rio Bueno, Chile. Ranchers in southern Chile say a series of lightning strikes spawned by storms has killed more than 60 of their dairy cows.

    Italy-Furniture Show

    Italy-Furniture Show
    In this Wednesday, April 9, 2014 file photo, outside furniture by Dutch design factory Mal is displayed at the Milan Design Fair, in Milan, Italy. The sprawling Milan Furniture Show, which closes Sunday, April 13, 2014, is the largest and most prestigious in the world, capitalizing on Italian excellence in furniture design and craftsmanship. The weeklong happening, which spills out into Milan venues with numerous side events, is also increasingly the launching pad for high-level collaborations among the fashion, architecture, technological and design worlds.

    actress Victoria Justice

    actress Victoria Justice
    US actress Victoria Justice arrives for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA, 13 April 2014. The movies are nominated by producers and executives from MTV and the winners are chosen on-line by the general public.

    Barbadian singer Rihanna

    Barbadian singer Rihanna
    Barbadian singer Rihanna arrives for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA, 13 April 2014. The movies are nominated by producers and executives from MTV and the winners are chosen on-line by the general public


    A helicopter works after some fire focuses reactivated, in Valparaiso, Chile, on April 13, 2014. More than 10,000 people were evacuated as an army of firefighters battled a killer blaze that --on the eve-- tore through parts of Chile's historic port of Valparaiso and left at least 11 people dead. The fire, which started in woodland Saturday, gutted 500 homes as flames advanced on the city of 270,000, famed for its UNESCO-listed center with cobblestone streets and brightly painted wooden homes

    actress Jessica Alba

    actress Jessica Alba
    US actress Jessica Alba arrives for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA, 13 April 2014. The movies are nominated by producers and executives from MTV and the winners are chosen on-line by the general public.

    Actress Holland Roden

    Actress Holland Roden
    Actress Holland Roden arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California, on April 13, 2014.

    Lindsay Lohan

    Lindsay Lohan
    Lindsay Lohan is seen watching Lana Del Rey perform at the 2014 Coachella Music and Arts Festival on Sunday, April 13, 2014, in Indio, Calif.

    Lana Del Rey

    Lana Del Rey
    Lana Del Rey performs at the 2014 Coachella Music and Arts Festival on Sunday, April 13, 2014, in Indio, Calif.


    A Nepalese devotee takes a holy bath during the first day of the Nepali New Year at Sapnatirtha temple in Tokha village, north of the Kathmandu valley, Nepal, 14 April 2014. On the occasion of the Nepali New Year thousands of Nepalese flock the Sapnatirtha temple to take a holy bath for a fresh start in the New Year, which is believed to protect from all diseases

    Jenni 'JWoww' Farley

    Jenni 'JWoww' Farley
    Television personality Jenni 'JWoww' Farley arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California, on April 13, 2014.

    Model Chrissy Teigen

    Model Chrissy Teigen
    Model Chrissy Teigen arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California, on April 13, 2014.

    Mayra Veronica

    Mayra Veronica

    Actress Mayra Veronica

    Actress Mayra Veronica
    Model and actress Mayra Veronica arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California, on April 13, 2014.

    Kat Graham (L) and her fiance Cottrell Guidry

    Kat Graham (L) and her fiance Cottrell Guidry
    Swiss-born US actress Kat Graham (L) and her fiance Cottrell Guidry (R) arrive for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA, 13 April 2014. The movies are nominated by producers and executives from MTV and the winners are chosen on-line by the general public.

    singer Ellie Goulding

    singer Ellie Goulding
    British singer Ellie Goulding arrives for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA, 13 April 2014. The movies are nominated by producers and executives from MTV and the winners are chosen on-line by the general public.

    actress Kat Graham

    actress Kat Graham
    Swiss-born US actress Kat Graham poses in the photo room at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA, 13 April 2014. The movies are nominated by producers and executives from MTV and the winners are chosen on-line by the general public.


    A handout picture made available by the South Korean Prime Minister's Office on 14 April 2014 shows South Korean Prime Minister Jung Hong-won (C) greeted by Pakistani officials and children upon his arrival at an airport in Islamabad, Pakistan, 13 April 2014

    Actress Zendaya

    Actress Zendaya
    Actress Zendaya arrives on the carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, on April 13, 2014.

    Grumpy Cat

    Grumpy Cat
    Grumpy Cat arrives on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California, on April 13, 2014

    2014 MTV Movie Awards - Show

    2014 MTV Movie Awards - Show
    Ellen Page presents a clip from “X-Men: Days of Future Past” on stage at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday, April 13, 2014, at Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles.

    S actor Channing Tatum

    S actor Channing Tatum
    US actor Channing Tatum (L) and wife US actress Jenna Dewan pose with his Trailblazer MTV Movie Award for his performance in 'Magic Mike' in the press room at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA, 13 April 2014. The movies are nominated by producers and executives from MTV and the winners are chosen on-line by the general public.

    Gina Lomeli

    Gina Lomeli
    Gina Lomeli of San Diego, Calif. takes a turn on the hula hoop on the Empire Polo Field during the third day of the 2014 Coachella Music and Arts Festival on Sunday, April 13, 2014, in Indio, Calif.

    2014 Coachella Music And Arts Festival - Weekend 1 - Day 3

    2014 Coachella Music And Arts Festival - Weekend 1 - Day 3
    Coachella festivalgoers Justin Gibbs and Olivia Hansen of Los Angeles relax on the Empire Polo Field during the third day of the 2014 Coachella Music and Arts Festival on Sunday, April 13, 2014, in Indio, Calif.

    Rapper Eminem (L) and singer Rihanna

    Rapper Eminem (L) and singer Rihanna
    APRIL 13: Rapper Eminem (L) and singer Rihanna perform onstage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on April 13, 2014 in Los Angeles, California.

    Briana Evigan and Ryan Guzman

    Briana Evigan and Ryan Guzman
    Briana Evigan and Ryan Guzman arrive on the red carpet for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California, on April 13, 2014


    Firefighters work in the area the fire reactivated in Valparaiso, Chile, on April 13, 2014. More than 10,000 people were evacuated as an army of firefighters battled a killer blaze that --on the eve-- tore through parts of Chile's historic port of Valparaiso and left at least 11 people dead. The fire, which started in woodland Saturday, gutted 500 homes as flames advanced on the city of 270,000, famed for its UNESCO-listed center with cobblestone streets and brightly painted wooden homes.

    Guatemala Palm Sunday

    Guatemala Palm Sunday
    Members of the brotherhood of the Church of Saint Joseph try to steady the statue of Jesus on the platform after it became unsteady during the Palm Sunday procession in Guatemala City, Sunday April 13, 2013.


    APRIL 13: (L-R) Actress Leslie Mann, actress Cameron Diaz, actress-singer Nicki Minaj, and actress-model Kate Upton speak onstage at the 2014 MTV Movie Awards at Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on April 13, 2014 in Los Angeles, California.

    Actress Shailene Woodle

    Actress Shailene Woodle
    Shailene Woodley poses in press room with her award for favorite character for "Divergent" at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday, April 13, 2014, at Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles.

    China Daily Life

    China Daily Life
    In this Sunday April 6, 2014 photo, tourists visit rapeseed field to see the blossoms in spring at Qianduo rapeseed field in Taizhou city, in eastern China's Jiangsu province

    Doutzen Kroes

    Doutzen Kroes
    Dutch top model Doutzen Kroes poses as she arrives at the Bjorn Borg autumn/winter collection fashion show in Amsterdam on January 22, 2014

    Barbie dolls

    Barbie dolls
    Exhbit designer Wouter van der Tol prepares Barbie dolls for an exhibition marking the 50th anniversary of Barbie in The Netherlands at Tassenmuseum Hendrikje, the Museum of Bags and Purses, in Amsterdam, Tuesday Jan. 21, 2014. Fifty dolls are on display till May 4, together with 1500 bags and purses, part of the museum's total collection of 4500 bags and purses

    49th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards

    49th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards
    Kimberly Schlapman, and from left, Philip Sweet, Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook, of the musical group Little Big Town, arrive at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas.

    Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift
    APRIL 06: Singer/songwriter Taylor Swift attends the 49th Annual Academy Of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on April 6, 2014 in Las Vegas,


    Shakira arrives at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas.

    Angie Harmon

    Angie Harmon
    Angie Harmon arrives at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas.

    Miranda Lambert

    Miranda Lambert
    Carrie Underwood, left, and Miranda Lambert arrive at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas.

    Angie Harmon

    Angie Harmon
    Angie Harmon, left, and Jewel arrive at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas

    Kellie Pickle

    Kellie Pickle
    Kellie Pickler arrives at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas

    49th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards - Arrivals

    49th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards - Arrivals
    Kimberly Schlapman, and from left, Philip Sweet, Karen Fairchild and Jimi Westbrook, of the musical group Little Big Town, arrive at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas.

    Shawna Thompson

    Shawna Thompson
    Shawna Thompson, left, and Keifer Thompson, of the musical group Thompson Square, arrive at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas.

    Keifer Thompson, of the musical group Thompson Square

    Keifer Thompson, of the musical group Thompson Square
    Fourth from right, Shawna Thompson and second from right, Keifer Thompson, of the musical group Thompson Square with the musical group Blues Traveler arrive at the 49th annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the MGM Grand Garden Arena on Sunday, April 6, 2014, in Las Vegas

    Catherine (L), carrying baby Prince George,

    Catherine (L), carrying baby Prince George,
    Britain's Prince William (2nd R) and his wife Catherine (L), carrying baby Prince George, arrive at the international airport in Wellington on April 7, 2014. William, Kate and their son Prince George are on a three-week tour of New Zealand and Australia.

    stands naked with her wrists chained to a gate

    stands naked with her wrists chained to a gate
    Feb. 26, 2014 photo, a woman from the Bastardxs movement, a women's rights group, stands naked with her wrists chained to a gate, photographed through a gate, to protest machismo as pedestrians look on and take pictures in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The protester said she was demonstrating against physical and psychological violence against women.

    the Tungurahua volcano spews

    the Tungurahua volcano spews
    April 4, 2014 photo, the Tungurahua volcano spews a column of ash as seen from Ambato, Ecuador. The volcano spewed a miles high column of ash after a powerful explosion that shot pyroclastic material onto its northern and northwestern flanks

    two stunt riders race around the arena

    two stunt riders race around the arena
    March 21, 2014 photo, two stunt riders race around the arena on a horse, between rodeo competitions, part of the Boyeros Cattlemen's International Fair in Havana, Cuba. Participants competing in the events came mostly from Cuba but also Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Panama


    Paraguay's National Farmers Federation

    Paraguay's National Farmers Federation
    In this Wednesday, March 26, 2014 photo, members of Paraguay's National Farmers Federation shout slogans as they march during a general strike, the first in 20 years, in Asuncion, Paraguay. Workers, farmers, teachers and students united seeking a variety of demands from the Horacio Cartes government that include price control for basic foods, free, quality education, a raise in minimum wage, agrarian reform and an end to violence against small farmers

    man pets a cat while watching military

    man pets a cat while watching military
    March 25, 2014 photo, a man pets a cat while watching military police officers patrol during an operation in the Mare slum complex, ahead of its "pacification," in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Elite federal police and army troops will be sent to the city to help quell a wave of violence in so-called "pacified" slums.

    food and drink

    food and drink
    March 12, 2014 photo, an offering of food and drink sits during a ceremony on the slopes of the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico. Every year on March 12, residents make their way to the volcano to celebrate the day of Don Gregorio Chino Popocatepetl, as the volcano is known to them, with food, music, dance and fireworks. They bring grapes, corn, watermelon, chicken and tequila hoping to appease “Don Goyo,” as they call the mountain, from the Nahuatl language.

    federal police parade white elephant dolls

    federal police parade white elephant dolls
    March 12, 2014 photo, federal police parade white elephant dolls symbolizing public waste as they demand higher salaries and better career opportunities in Brasilia, Brazil. The police are threatening to go on strike during the upcoming World Cup soccer tournament if their demands are not met

    the Beija Flor samba schoo

    the Beija Flor samba schoo
    In this Monday, March 3, 2014 photo, performers from the Beija Flor samba school parade on a float during carnival celebrations at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    street vendor Eduardo who sells snacks

    street vendor Eduardo who sells snacks
    In this Saturday, March 15, 2014 photo, street vendor Eduardo who sells snacks to beach goers strikes a pose in costume on the shore of La Herradura beach in Lima, Peru. Some street vendors in Lima will dress to achieve a voluptuous body type using balloons and banter with potential customers to attract attention, in hopes of increasing their sales.

    Children pose with a life-size cardboard cutout

    Children pose with a life-size cardboard cutout
    In this Saturday, March 8, 2014 photo, children pose with a life-size cardboard cutout of Venezuela's former President Hugo Chavez while waiting for the arrival of President Nicolas Maduro in Bolivar Square for a rally to commemorate International Women's Day in Caracas, Venezuela. This week marked the one year anniversary of Chavez's death.

    demonstrators roll a water pipe

    demonstrators roll a water pipe
    In this Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014 photo, demonstrators roll a water pipe in an attempt to block a highway during clashes with the Bolivarian National Guard in Caracas, Venezuela. Anti-government protesters rallied and tried to block a highway to demand an end to the government crackdown on protests and the release of those jailed in recent weeks.

    character from the movie Avatar

    character from the movie Avatar
    Saturday, March 1, 2014 photo, a reveler dressed as a character from the movie Avatar poses for a photo at the 'Ceu na Terra' block party during Carnival celebration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro's over-the-top Carnival is the highlight of the year for many local residents. Hundreds of thousands of merrymakers will take to Rio's streets in the nearly 500 open-air "bloco" parties.

    the 10th annual Buenos Aires Tattoo Show

    the 10th annual Buenos Aires Tattoo Show
    March 7, 2014 photo, Victor Peralta poses for a picture during the 10th annual Buenos Aires Tattoo Show in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Tattoo Show is one of the largest events in Latin America dedicated to art.


    Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membeli (memilih) kufur dengan meninggalkan iman tidak sekali-kali mereka akan dapat mendatangkan mudarat kepada Allah sedikitpun, dan mereka pula beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya. (A-li'Imraan 3:177) .




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