Barang siapa makan barang haram sedang dia lama menjalankan ibadah , maka dia seperti burung merpati yang mengerami telur busuk. Dia telah memayahkan dirinya kerana lamanya diam di tepat padahal tak satupun yang menetas, sebaliknya telur itu keluar menjadi busuk. ___ Ali Al Khawwas


5 Makhluk Lagenda Dalam Cerita Rakyat Malaysia Adapun orang-orang yang telah putih berseri mukanya, maka mereka berada dalam limpah rahmat Allah (Syurga), mereka kekal di dalamnya. (A-li'Imraan 3:107) .
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Mereka itulah orang-orang yang membeli kesesatan dengan meninggalkan petunjuk; maka tiadalah beruntung perniagaan mereka dan tidak pula mereka beroleh petunjuk hidayah. (Al-Baqarah 2:16) .

PANAS>>Ustaz Salman Ali | Ustaz Abu Syafiq


SUDAH diberi ingat.... hendak juga.. ikut...

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika kamu taatkan orang-orang yang kafir nescaya mereka akan menolak kamu kembali kepada kekufuran, lalu menjadilah kamu orang-orang yang rugi. (A-li'Imraan 3:149)) . .. Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendustakan kebenaran). (Al-Baqarah 2:10) . Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membeli (memilih) kufur dengan meninggalkan iman tidak sekali-kali mereka akan dapat mendatangkan mudarat kepada Allah sedikitpun, dan mereka pula beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.(A-li'Imraan 3:177) Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang kafir menjadi teman rapat dengan meninggalkan orang-orang yang beriman. Adakah kamu hendak mengadakan alasan yang terang nyata bagi Allah untuk (menyeksa) kamu?(An-Nisaa' 4:144).

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

syria bachar

syria bachar

Queenie Padilla...Islam adalah jalan hidup saya sekarang.

Queenie Padilla interview after performng hajj p2.mp4

Queenie Padilla sa TheBUZZ 09-12-'10

Seorang artis terkenal Filipina telah memeluk agama Islam barubaru ini, dan Islamlah yg mendamaikan hidup dan batin kata nya.

"Islam adalah jalan hidup saya sekarang. Selama ini, saya hidup penuh dengan dosa. Namun, Allah SWT memanggil saya pada Islam. Kini, aku begitu dekat dengannya," tambahnya lagi. Sebagaimana yg dilapurkan abs-cbnnews, 22/11.

Queenie Padilla juga berkata, ayah nya antara orang yg paling sabar dan gembira dengan keputusan yg dibuat nya. Beliau juga berkata “dalam dunia hiburan seolah berada di persimpangan jalan, antara bahagia dan tersesat”.

Queenie Padilla juga merupakan anak kepada aktor Robin Padilla, "Ayah begitu gembira menunggu saya mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat," kata nya lagi. Malah dia membuat keputusan untuk mengerjakan haji. Baginya, ibadah haji membantu menyempurnakan keIslamannya.

Beliau juga menyatakan ia mempunyai kewajipan untuk menyebarkan Islam dan ingin bersama sama menikmati keindahan Islam itu bersama masyarakat Filipina khas nya. Beliau menyatakan itu ketika berada di Mekah.

Sekarang beliau sudah berubah dengan mendalami Islam serta berpakaian menutup aurat dan berjilbab. "Saya harus berubah sepenuhnya untuk hidup dengan cara Islam," tegasnya. Alhamdulillah.

Kim Kardashian..the annual American holiday celebrated

Socialite Kim Kardashian serves gravy on mashed potatoes as celebrities turn out to feed the homeless and those less fortunate a lunchtime meal at the Los Angeles Mission on November 23, 2011 in downtown Los Angeles in celebration of Thanksgiving, the annual American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November and centered around a meal of turkey and side dishes. The Los Angeles Mission has been helping people on skid row for the past 75 years, providing emergency services like shelter, food, clothing as well as professional medical and dental services.

Actor Kirk Douglas and socialite Kim Kardashian pose for photos as celebrities turn out to feed the homeless and those less fortunate a lunchtime meal at the Los Angeles Mission on November 23, 2011 in downtown Los Angeles in celebration of Thanksgiving, the annual American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November and centered around a meal of turkey and side dishes. The Los Angeles Mission has been helping people on skid row for the past 75 years, providing emergency services like shelter, food, clothing as well as professional medical and dental services.

Actor Kirk Douglas (seated) feeds his wife Ann Buydens turkey as celebrities turn out to feed the homeless and those less fortunate a lunchtime meal at the Los Angeles Mission on November 23, 2011 in downtown Los Angeles in celebration of Thanksgiving, the annual American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November and centered around a meal of turkey and side dishes. The Los Angeles Mission has been helping people on skid row for the past 75 years, providing emergency services like shelter, food, clothing as well as professional medical and dental frederic kirk lunchtime

Aktris seksi Nikita Mirzani ..ketagih. tato

Aktris seksi Nikita Mirzani melewatkan sebagian masa kecilnya di pesantren. Ketika dewasa pun ia bersekolah di SMU yang islami. Lantas, bagaimana ceritanya ia kemudian bisa ketagihan mentato tubuhnya?

Awalnya, Tato adalah pelarian. Ketika memasuki dunia perkuliahan, Nikita mulai mengenal dunia luar dan memiliki pergaulan luas. Lantaran keluarganya broken home dan ia juga kerap terlibat cek-cok dengan orangtua, pelampiasan pun dicarinya.

 Nikita Mirzani ketagihan tatto

“Kebetulan papa dan mama (almarhum) broken home. Sedikit cek-cok di rumah dan akhirnya aku coba-coba bikin tato,” kenangnya.

Awalnya bintang film ‘perempuan liar’ yang segera tayang di bioskop itu memilih narkoba sebagai pelampiasan. Namun, lantaran merasa tidak cocok, barang itu pun ditinggalkannya. Beralih ke tato, ia merasakan sensasi yang berbeda hingga ketagihan sampai sekarang.

 Nikita Mirzani ketagihan tatto

Di lingkungan pergaulan aku dulu banyak pemakai. Pernah aku beberapa kali cobain drugs, tapi nggak cocok dan akhirnya aku tinggalin. Nah pas bikin tato rasanya beda dan jadi ketagihan, sampai sekarang aku punya 17 tato,” kisahnya.

Dari 17 tato yang menghiasi tubuhnya, Nikita mengaku sangat menyukai tato bunga mawar yang ada di perut dan paha kanannya. Soalnya ia merasa kecantikannya kian bertambah dengan tato-tato tersebut.

 Nikita Mirzani ketagihan tatto

“Aku paling suka dengan tato bunga mawar di paha kanan aku sama di bawah pusar. Aku suka gambarnya dan suka bunganya juga, jadi merasa makin cantik kayaknya,” jelasnya.

Bagi pemilik tinggi 168cm dan berat 49kg itu, tiap tato di badannya mempunyai makna tersendiri. Misalnya saja, sebuah tato di bagian kiri perutnya didedikasikannya untuk mengenang almarhum ibunya yang meninggal tiga tahun lalu karena kanker rahim.
“Arti tulisan di tato ini intinya aku bakal sayang sama dia walaupun dia sudah di surga sana. Nggak ada yang akan bisa menggantikan sosok dia dalam hidup aku,” katanya.

Selain itu, satu yang paling mencolok perhatian adalah tato berukuran besar bertuliskan namanya di dadanya. Nikita mengaku membuat tato itu lantaran suka lupa ingatan dan merasa malas jika diajak berkenalan dengan pria. Maksudnya?

 Nikita Mirzani ketagihan tatto

“Aku kan orangnya suka lupa ingatan, aku juga paling malas kalau diajakin kenalan. Sekarang kalau diajakin kenalan sama cowok ya tinggal busungin dada saja. Nih nama gue. Begitu. Hahaha,” terangnya.

Anak kedua dari empat bersaudara itu mengaku selama ini membuat tato secara diam-diam dan ayahnya baru mengetahui setahun belakangan. Lantas adakah niatnya untuk menambah tato lagi? “Iya, mau bikin dua tato Lumba-lumba lagi loncat di pantat.

Jadi kalau lagi pakai bikini atau g-string kelihatan,” tandasnya.

topless FHOTO aktris Nikita Mirzani. Foto.. reality show “Take Me Out”,

Jakarta – Setelah sebelumnya sempat dihebohkan dengan foto hot yang beredar di internet, kali ini hal yang sama kembali menimpa aktris Nikita Mirzani. Foto wanita mirip dirinya dalam pose topless beredar di dunia maya.
Aktris yang mengawali karirnya sebagai peserta reality show “Take Me Out”, mulai dikenal publik setelah menghiasi sampul salah satu majalah pria. Dan kali ini dengan banyak tato menghiasi tubuhnya yang indah, foto topless menyebar di internet.
Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet
Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet1 Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet
Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet2 Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet
Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet3 Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet
Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet5 Wow... Inilah Foto Topless Nikita Mirzani Yang Beredar di Internet

Friday, November 11, 2011

Miss Universe 2011 Preliminary Evening Gown Competition Presentation All

Miss Universe 2011 - Leila's First Photo Shoot

Miss Universe 2011 Preliminary Evening Gown Competition Presentation All

2011 Miss Universe Preliminary Competition

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

celebrity Kim Kardashian ..launch of her fashion accessory range at a department store in Sydney

A fan takes a self portrait with celebrity Kim Kardashian behind during a launch of her fashion accessory range at a department store in Sydney, Australia, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011.

Celebrity Kim Kardashian receives a kiss from a girl during a launch of her fashion accessory range at a department store in Sydney, Australia, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

Fans take pictures with celebrities Kim Kardashian, back left, and her sister Khloe, back right, during the launch of their fashion accessory range at a department store in Sydney, Australia, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011.

Fan scream as celebrities Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe arrive on stage during the launch of their fashion accessory range at a department store in Sydney, Australia, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011.

Celebrities Kim Kardashian, left, and her sister Khloe arrive for the launch of their fashion accessory range at a department store in Sydney, Australia, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

Doggie Howl-o-ween Costume Contes...l in Alexandria, Virginia

the "Doggie Howl-o-ween Costume Contest"

the "Doggie Howl-o-ween Costume Contest"
Brussels Griffons Martha (L) and George Washington are dressed as their namesakes during the "Doggie Howl-o-ween Costume Contest" October 27, 2011 at a hotel in Alexandria, Virginia

Street artist Andy Golub,

Street artist Andy Golub,
Street artist Andy Golub, arrested in July and charged with public lewdness according to his attorney Ronald Kuby, continues his series of appearances where he applies body paint to nude models by painting Katherine Onorato age 24,in the Meatpacking District of New York October 10, 2011.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian

Dr. Jack Kevorkian
Ava Janus of Troy, Mich., the sole surviving heir of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, poses with his "Thanatron" machine, in New York Thursday Oct. 27, 2011. It is scheduled to be auctioned as part of his estate, Friday Oct. 28, 2011. Kevorkian's estate is going ahead with plans to auction 17 of his paintings, including one he did with a pint of his blood, even though a suburban Boston museum is refusing to give them up.

the House of Torment haunted house in Austin

the House of Torment haunted house in Austin
Jenna Idaho (L) and Josephine McAdam get ready to scare at the House of Torment haunted house in Austin, Texas October 24, 2011. The invisible whoosh-bang effect in Austin's House of Torment haunted house, recently named one of the most innovative in the country, is one example of the rekindled love affair between modern audiences and psychological horror. Picture taken October 24, 2011.

A masked group

A masked group
A masked group of London school friends aged eleven and twelve pose for photographs for the media beside the Occupy London Stock Exchange protest camp outside St Paul's Cathedral in London, Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011. The children walked past the protest camp after going to a party together where they wanted to dress up as "mini-anons". The plastic masks, which have been adopted by protesters in various countries around the world to keep their faces anonymous, represent Guy Fawkes, who attempted to blow up Britain's Houses of Parliament in the 1600s.

Seagulls are seen flying on a beach in Playa

Seagulls are seen flying on a beach in Playa
Seagulls are seen flying on a beach in Playa del Carmen October 27, 2011. Hurricane Rina weakened to a tropical storm on Thursday as it swept toward Mexico's Caribbean coast after causing travel chaos and spurring evacuations from island resorts.

Hudson volcano

Hudson volcano
Hudson volcano is seen during a flight near Coihaique town some 1649 km (1025 miles) south of Santiago, October 27, 2011. Chile said on Wednesday it was evacuating residents from around a volcano in the country's far south after it spewed a jet of steam a kilometer into the air and seismic activity triggered an avalanche.

Russian fashion house YanaStasia

Russian fashion house YanaStasia
Models display a creation by Russian fashion house YanaStasia during the Volvo Fashion Week Moscow, Russia, Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011.

Bubbles the Jack Russell Terrier

Bubbles the Jack Russell Terrier
Bubbles the Jack Russell Terrier is dressed as a chia pet plant during the "Doggie Howl-o-ween Costume Contest" October 27, 2011 at a hotel in Alexandria, Virginia.


Fishermen secure their boat

Fishermen secure their boat
Fishermen secure their boat in anticipation of Hurricane Rina's arrival in Cancun, Mexico, Tuesday Oct. 25, 2011. Mexican authorities set up emergency shelters and cruise ships shifted course on Tuesday as Rina strengthened off the Caribbean coast on a projected track that would carry it whirling through Cancun and the resort-filled Mayan Riviera, Mexico's most popular tourist destination.

Tropical Storm Rina in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Tropical Storm Rina in Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Tourists walk along the promenade during the approach of Tropical Storm Rina in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, Thursday Oct. 27, 2011. Rina was downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm Thursday afternoon after many tourists had already cut short their trips to Cancun and other Caribbean resorts ahead of what once threatened to be a Category 3 storm.

A child plays with seagulls

A child plays with seagulls
A child plays with seagulls at the beach in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, during the approach of Tropical Storm Rina Thursday Oct. 27, 2011. Rina was downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm Thursday afternoon after many tourists had already cut short their trips to Cancun and other Caribbean resorts ahead of what once threatened to be a Category 3 storm.

Pakistani girl Wajiha drives a three-wheel rickshaw in Tangi,

Pakistani girl Wajiha drives a three-wheel rickshaw in Tangi,
In this photograph taken on September 29, 2011, 11-year-old Pakistani girl Wajiha drives a three-wheel rickshaw in Tangi, a town 125 kilometres from Islamabad, in the heart of the northwestern region troubled by a Taliban insurgency. Wajiha is the only girl driving a rickshaw to earn livelihood for her family, whose father Inamuddin used to be a proud member of the paramilitary and was badly injured in a Taliban attack on a paramilitary check post in the northwestern valley of Swat in July 2006.

woman kisses her pet parrot

woman kisses her pet parrot
A Thai woman kisses her pet parrot along a flooded street in Bangkok, Thailand on Friday Oct. 28, 2011. The Chao Phraya river coursing through the capital swelled to record highs Friday, briefly flooding riverside buildings and an ornate royal complex at high tide amid fears that flood defenses could break and swamp the heart of the city.

Russian fashion house YanaStasia

Russian fashion house YanaStasia
Models display creations by Russian fashion house YanaStasia during the Volvo Fashion Week in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011.


Elderly people stroll down a shopping precinct in Tokyo on October 28, 2011. Figures released this week showed the number of Japanese citizens in the country -- as distinct from foreign residents -- has dropped for the first time since statistics began to be compiled in 1975. The population is expected to fall to 89 million by 2055, with four out of 10 classed as "elderly", according to the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.

Cambodian boys

Cambodian boys
Cambodian boys fish on a makeshift raft at a flooded village along the Mekong river in Kandal province, Cambodia, 28 October 2011. Figures provided by the Cambodian National Committee on Disaster Management show flooding has affected 231,000 people across nearly all of the country. Around 23,000 people have been evacuated to higher ground, and many roads and buildings have suffered damage.

dogs in a container through floodwaters

dogs in a container through floodwaters
A man pushes dogs in a container through floodwaters in Bangkok on October 28, 2011. Floods that have sparked an exodus from the Thai capital crept closer to the city centre on October 28, but hopes grew that emergency barriers would prevent a major overflow from Bangkok's main river.

youths hold photographs of their missing family

youths hold photographs of their missing family
Relatives of disappeared Kashmiri youths hold photographs of their missing family members as they take part in a sit-in protest in Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian Kashmir, 28 October 2011. The Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) organized the protest against the state government seeking the whereabouts of thousands of people who have allegedly disappeared in custody since a separatist rebellion broke out in 1989 in Kashmir. According to APDP around 8,000 persons went missing after being arrested allegedly by Indian forces

new iPhone 4S

new iPhone 4S
People dressed in yellow, Telenet's color, queue up outside a Telenet store for the launch of the new iPhone 4S in Antwerp, Belgium, 28 October 2011. The first twenty people to enter the store at 8am (CET), totally dressed in yellow, will receive a free Iphone 4s

Tuk Tuk in floodwaters in Bangkok

Tuk Tuk in floodwaters in Bangkok
A Thai man drives a Tuk Tuk in floodwaters in Bangkok, Thailand, Thursday Oct. 27, 2011. Clambering aboard bamboo rafts and army trucks, residents living on the heavily inundated outskirts of Bangkok fled waterlogged homes Thursday as floodwaters inched closer to the heart of the threatened Thai capital and foreign governments urged their citizens to avoid all but essential travel.

People stand on a flooded street

People stand on a flooded street
People stand on a flooded street by Wat Trimit temple in Bangkok, Thailand, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011. Most of Bangkok remained dry and most of its more than 9 million residents were staying put to protect their homes. Still, uncertainty over the capital's fate and the start of a government-declared five-day holiday fueled an exodus of people fearing the worst who clogged highways and air terminals to get out of town.

Thai people sell rubber boots

Thai people sell rubber boots
Thai people sell rubber boots along floodwaters in Bangkok, Thailand on Friday Oct. 28, 2011. The main river coursing through Thailand's capital swelled to record highs Friday, briefly flooding riverside buildings and an ornate royal complex at high tide amid fears that flood defenses could break and swamp the heart of the city.

A foreign visitor joins hundreds of Thai volunteers

A foreign visitor joins hundreds of Thai volunteers
A foreign visitor joins hundreds of Thai volunteers to pack foodstuffs and sanitary items ready for flood victims in a sports hall in Bangkok, Thailand, 28 October 2011. An enforced holiday sent people fleeing the Thai capital as advised by the government, while hundreds of volunteers flocked to aid centers to donate their time preparing food and water and other flood supplies, to prepare for the days to come as the Chao Phraya River flowing through Bangkok rose to 2.47 metres early 28 October, three centimetres below flood barriers, a Bangkok Metropolitan Administration spokesman said, adding that the water would be higher on 29 and 30 October, with fears the city's flood defences could break and swamp the capital.

Thai residents balance ..

Thai residents balance ..
Thai residents balance on a lane divider at Pin Klao bridge in Bangkok, Thailand on Friday Oct. 28, 2011. The Chao Phraya river, the main river coursing through Thailand's capital, swelled to record highs Friday, briefly flooding riverside buildings and an ornate royal complex at high tide amid fears that flood defenses could break and swamp the heart of the city.

people gather near bodies of Shiite Muslims kill

people gather near bodies of Shiite Muslims kill
In this Sept. 20, 2011 file photo, people gather near bodies of Shiite Muslims killed in the sectarian violence in Mastung near Quetta, Pakistan. Sectarian violence has been common in Pakistan since the 1980s, but the emergence of al-Qaida and the Taliban _ Sunni extremists who also despise Shiites _ since 2005, has led to a more violence, with Shiites far more commonly targetted.

Hundreds of volunteers fill a sports hall packing emergency

Hundreds of volunteers fill a sports hall packing emergency
Hundreds of volunteers fill a sports hall packing emergency aid bags to be distributed to flood victims ready for Bangkok peak flood days, in Bangkok, Thailand, 28 October 2011. An enforced holiday sent people fleeing the Thai capital as advised by the government, while hundreds of volunteers flocked to aid centers to donate their time preparing food and water and other flood supplies, to prepare for the days to come as the Chao Phraya River flowing through Bangkok rose to 2.47 metres early 28 October, three centimetres below flood barriers, a Bangkok Metropolitan Administration spokesman said, adding that the water would be higher on 29 and 30 October, with fears the city's flood defences could break and swamp the capital.

the Volvo Fashion Week in Moscow,

the Volvo Fashion Week in Moscow,
Models present creations by Russian fashion house YanaStasia during the Volvo Fashion Week in Moscow, Russia, 27 October 2011. The Volvo Fashion Week runs from 26 to 31 October 2011.

pure gold 2012 calendar

pure gold 2012 calendar
An employee of Japan's jeweller Ginza Tanaka looks at a pure gold 2012 calendar commemorating the 110th anniversary of Walt Disney during a press conference in Tokyo on October 28, 2011. The calendar will go on sale in November at a price of 60 million yen (USD 790,000) to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Walt Disney.

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II sitting with Commonwealth Heads of Governement watching the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard deliver a speech shown the big screen during the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011. The three-day biennial gathering is chaired by Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard and concludes on October 30

Singer Alicia Keys

Singer Alicia Keys
Singer Alicia Keys (L) sings with Coco Lee (C) and her husband Bruce Rockowitz, President and CEO of Li & Fung Ltd, and his two daughters, during Lee and Rockowitz's wedding in Hong Kong October 27, 2011. Picture taken October 27, 2011.

Roman Catholic

Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic priest Fr. Robert Reyes, left, leads the interfaith prayers with Muslims near the Presidential Palace Friday Oct. 28, 2011 in Manila, Philippines. The prayer protest was held to call for peace following the military's launching of air strikes and military operations after one of the worst clashes in three years with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) this month killed 26 soldiers, three policemen and an undetermined number of Muslim rebels. Close to 30,000 civilians have been displaced in the ongoing operation, officials said.

Filipino Muslims

Filipino Muslims
Filipino Muslims hold their Friday prayers near the Presidential Palace as Christians wait for their turn in the background during a "Prayer-for-Peace" rally Friday Oct. 28, 2011 in Manila, Philippines. The prayer protest was held to call for peace following the military's launching of air strikes and military operations after one of the worst clashes in three years with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) this month killed 26 soldiers, three policemen and an undetermined number of Muslim rebels. Close to 30,000 civilians have been displaced in the ongoing operation, officials said.

renovate the border fence between the U.S.

renovate the border fence between the U.S.
A crane is seen as workers renovate the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico in Tijuana October 27, 2011.

People hold their babies ...

People hold their babies ...
People hold their babies as they wait to bath them at Sitti Fatimah hospital in Makassar October 28, 2011. The United Nations predicted that on October 31, the world population will hit seven billion people.

Sri Lankan women

Sri Lankan women
Sri Lankan women stand on a boat as they cross the Kelani river, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011.(

the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth

the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, sitting second left, is joined by Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma, sitting left, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, sitting second right, Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, sitting right, and leaders from other Commonwealth nations for the official photo of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Perth, Australia, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011

Mothers hold their babies

Mothers hold their babies
Mothers hold their babies after bathing them at Sitti Fatimah hospital in Makassar October 28, 2011. The United Nations predicted that on October 31, the world population will hit seven billion people.


Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membeli (memilih) kufur dengan meninggalkan iman tidak sekali-kali mereka akan dapat mendatangkan mudarat kepada Allah sedikitpun, dan mereka pula beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya. (A-li'Imraan 3:177) .






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