Barang siapa makan barang haram sedang dia lama menjalankan ibadah , maka dia seperti burung merpati yang mengerami telur busuk. Dia telah memayahkan dirinya kerana lamanya diam di tepat padahal tak satupun yang menetas, sebaliknya telur itu keluar menjadi busuk. ___ Ali Al Khawwas


5 Makhluk Lagenda Dalam Cerita Rakyat Malaysia Adapun orang-orang yang telah putih berseri mukanya, maka mereka berada dalam limpah rahmat Allah (Syurga), mereka kekal di dalamnya. (A-li'Imraan 3:107) .
TV ALHIJRAH     /    TV1  /   TV2    /     TV3   /     NTV7   /    TV9
Mereka itulah orang-orang yang membeli kesesatan dengan meninggalkan petunjuk; maka tiadalah beruntung perniagaan mereka dan tidak pula mereka beroleh petunjuk hidayah. (Al-Baqarah 2:16) .

PANAS>>Ustaz Salman Ali | Ustaz Abu Syafiq


SUDAH diberi ingat.... hendak juga.. ikut...

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jika kamu taatkan orang-orang yang kafir nescaya mereka akan menolak kamu kembali kepada kekufuran, lalu menjadilah kamu orang-orang yang rugi. (A-li'Imraan 3:149)) . .. Dalam hati mereka (golongan yang munafik itu) terdapat penyakit (syak dan hasad dengki), maka Allah tambahkan lagi penyakit itu kepada mereka; dan mereka pula akan beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya, dengan sebab mereka berdusta (dan mendustakan kebenaran). (Al-Baqarah 2:10) . Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membeli (memilih) kufur dengan meninggalkan iman tidak sekali-kali mereka akan dapat mendatangkan mudarat kepada Allah sedikitpun, dan mereka pula beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya.(A-li'Imraan 3:177) Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang kafir menjadi teman rapat dengan meninggalkan orang-orang yang beriman. Adakah kamu hendak mengadakan alasan yang terang nyata bagi Allah untuk (menyeksa) kamu?(An-Nisaa' 4:144).

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) demonstrate as nearly naked foxes in London

Victoria Eisermann, a campaigner from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is chased by Ice rink security as she demonstrates as a nearly naked fox in London, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010. The campaigners took to the ice rink to highlight their campaign against wearing animal skins.

Monica Harris, right, and Victoria Eisermann campaigners from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) demonstrate as nearly naked foxes in London, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010. The campaigners protested against the use of animal skins being used for clothes .

Saturday, December 18, 2010


WikiLeaks : Dr M Yakin Lee Kuan Yew Tahu Aktiviti Anwar

Bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia keempat, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yakin Menteri Mentor Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew turut tahu tentang kegiatan sisi gelap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Beliau diminta mengulas laporan akhbar Australia bahawa Lee Kuan Yew sendiri pernah memberitahu agensi Risikan Kebangsaan Australia (ONA) bahawa beliau sendiri mempercayai Anwar sememangnya melakukan aktiviti liwat itu bersama seorang pembantu lelakinya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.Klik sini dan di sini

“Ya memang… saya pun fikir dia (Lee) tahu tapi parti politik saja buat tidak tahu,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan syarahan bertajuk “Globalizing Malaysians in 2020” di Universiti Tenaga Nasional di Putrajaya hari ini.

Pendedahan akhbar Australia itu bersumberkan pendedahan sebuah laman web antarabangsa, WikiLeaks, berdasarkan maklumat yang diperoleh daripada kabel Jabatan Negara Amerika Syarikat bertarikh November 2008, iaitu kira-kira lima bulan selepas dakwaan Anwar meliwat bekas pembantu peribadinya itu terbongkar.

Agensi perisikan Singapura mempercayai Anwar terlibat dalam aktiviti homoseksual berasaskan bukti risikan teknikal, yang dilakukan agensi itu, dipercayai melalui kaedah memintas talian komunikasi negara.

Pada 22 September 1998, Dr. Mahathir telah dimaklumkan mengenai perlakuan sumbang di luar tabii Anwar Ibrahim semasa Tun Hanif Omar menjadi Ketua Polis Negara lagi, pada tahun 1993, tetapi beliau tidak mempercayainya.

‘Dan tahun lalu (1997) saya mendengarnya semula… pada mulanya saya mengesyaki mungkin tuduhan itu dibuat atas perasaan cemburu (oleh musuh politik Anwar)”, kata Dr Mahathir.
Menurut bekas Perdana Menteri itu, untuk mempercayai tuduhan-tuduhan terhadap Anwar, beliau telah menemu ramah sendiri mangsa-mangsa yang dikatakan terbabit dengan aktiviti luar tabii Anwar itu, iaitu Sukma Darmawan Sasmitaat Madja dan pemandunya (Azizan Abu Bakar) tanpa kehadiran pihak-pihak lain (termasuk polis). Klik di sini

Tun Haniff Omar memberi keterangan di Mahkamah Tinggi sebagai saksi pihak pendakwa kes liwat I pada tahun 1999.Tun Haniff Omar turut mengesahkan beliau pernah memberitahu Dr Mahathir mengenai kegiatan Anwar itu pada 9 Oktober 1993, yang memaklumkan bahawa Anwar mempunyai hubungan homoseksual dengan dua lelaki yang salah seorang daripadanya adalah warganegara asing.

Menurut bekas Ketua Polis Negara itu, Dr Mahathir ketika itu mendiamkan diri yang menunjukkan reaksi tidak mempercayai laporan tersebut. Katanya, dua tiga hari selepas pertemuan dengan Dr. Mahathir pada Oktober 1993, beliau didatangi oleh orang perantaraan Anwar yang menyatakan keinginan Anwar untuk berbincang dengannya.

”Saya tanya kepada orang perantaraan itu, sebab apa Anwar hendak jumpa? Mereka berkata, ‘sebab benda sensitif yang Tan Sri telah taklimatkan kepada PM’.

”Pada jangkaan saya Anwar telah dimaklumkan oleh Dr. Mahathir (berhubung perlakuan seks luar tabii),” katanya.

Berikutan itu, satu pertemuan telah diatur di antara Haniff dengan Anwar di kediaman Anwar selepas sembahyang Subuh.

Katanya, jelas pada pertemuan itu Anwar mengetahui apa yang beliau (Haniff) tahu dan Anwar tidak bertanya bagaimana beliau mendapat tahu dan mengapa ia dilaporkan kepada Perdana Menteri.

Ketika ditanya adakah Anwar menafikan maklumat tersebut, Haniff menjawab, Anwar tidak menafikan dan tidak bertanya lebih lanjut.

Dalam pertemuan dengan Anwar itu, Haniff pernah menasihatkan Anwar supaya menghentikan perbuatan homoseksualnya selepas polis menemui bukti-buktinya berkenaan hubungan seks luar tabii itu.Klik di sini

Dr M Menang, Mahkamah Persekutuan Kekal Imej Anwar Sebagai GAY


Peringatan kepada puak PKR yang buta hati dan memperlekehkan doa Saiful Bukhari ketika berada di tanah suci selama 42 hari.Dari Mu'adz bin Jabal Radhiyallahu 'anhu bahwasanya Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda:Maksudnya: Takutlah kepada doa orang-orang yang teraniyaya, sebab tidak ada hijab antaranya dengan Allah (untuk mengabulkan)[Shahih Muslim, kitab Iman 1/37-38].

Dipetik daripada blog Saiful,



Anwar ternyata kalut, masalah Sungai Buloh, masalah Putera Jaya, masalah PKR, masalah dalam Pakatan dan sebagainya. Orang yang menjadi harapan pula seorang demi seorang meninggalkan beliau. Ada juga kenalan yang lama dan rapat yang meninggalkan beliau sekarang pula menjadi penyambut tetamu jika ditakdirkan kunjungan beliau sekali lagi ke Sg Buloh. Satu langkah bijak jika Anwar ke Sg Buloh sedikit sebanyak meringankan bebanan fikiran Anwar yang diluar - Anwar boleh tumpu hukuman dalam penjara sahaja. Anwar terus tersepit - diluar pun berat didalam pun berat. Depan belakang sama sahaja...Kita sebagai rakyat marhean jangan sesekali mengheret masalah pemimpin semacam ini kedalam fikiran kita, keluarga kita,masyarakat kita, agama kita dan seterusnya kepada negara kita Malaysia.

Baca lagi...

Hanya menunggu waktu dan ketika yang tepat, waiting for the right time..

Kali ini info diterima dari utara tanahair. Ada rakaman VCD bakal diedarkan tidak lama lagi. VCD ini akan membuktikan betapa bercabangnya lidah makhluk yang bernama Anwar Ibrahim..!!

Rakaman VCD pendek, memakan masa lima minit dua puluh saat [5;20;00]. Ianya berlaku jam 4.35 petang bertempat di Yayasan Aman, Penanti, Bukit Mertajam pada 8 Januari 2008, sewaktu berlangsungnya Mesyuarat Pembahagian Kerusi Barisan Alternatif [waktu itu belum menang besar, Pembangkang belum lagi menggunakan nama Pakatan Rakyat].

Ketika ini dikatakan waktu yang amat sesuai untuk diedarkan VCD tersebut kerana semakin banyak insiden demi insiden yang menunjukkan hubungan dalaman Pakatan Pembangkang sudah semakin rapuh..! Dalam rakaman VCD ini, Anwar Ibrahim telah menghentam, mengutuk pemimpin dan konsep parti PAS dan DAP didepan pemimpin PKR. Begitu emosinya Anwar melabelkan DAP dan PAS sebagai TAMAK,,! BODOH…! SOMBONG…! Tindakan Anwar ini amat memeranjatkan ramai pemimpin PKR ketika itu kerana sebaik sahaja pemimpin DAP dan PAS hadir, Anwar terus berubah nada dan kata katanya semakin lemah lembut, terserlah “mainan wayang” serta lakonan Penasihat PKR itu…

Thursday, November 18, 2010

LONDEH.... Nayanthara Blue Film Videos

Nayanthara Blue Film Videos Nayanthara Blue Film Download

Nayanthara has been involved in many MMS Scandals and blue film rumors over the years. Almost all of these rumors/scandals are fake. This is not uncommon at all for Tamil Film Actresses....


@LONDEH - BEST TOP ....Bigg Boss 4 - Episode 44-47

Bigg Boss: Bigg Boss 4 - Episode 44 November 15 2010

Bigg Boss: Bigg Boss 4 - Episode 45 November 16 2010

Bigg Boss: Bigg Boss 4 - Episode 46 November 17 2010

Bigg Boss: Bigg Boss 4 - Episode 47 November 18 2010

@LONDEH -Pamela Anderson’s on Bigg Boss 4

While housemates are still coming to terms with Pamela Anderson’s presence in the 'Bigg Boss 4' house, Pam has already made her self comfortable! In spite of being in the house for a day, Pamela is busy knowing who her housemates are and also trying her best to help them in their routine activity.

Seema Parihar who had prepared Paranthas for breakfast, served Pam too who enjoyed gorging on them. Post breakfast, Pam who loves to keep everything spick and span, took a broom and started sweeping the floor. Wearing a bright yellow Sarong, Pamela tried her best to keep the house clean!

Exclusive peek : Pamela enters Big Boss house

Bigg Boss 4 Pamela Anderson Breaks The Rule (News)

Bigg Boss 4 Pamela Anderson enters Bigg Boss House (News)

@LONDEH- Sakshi Pradhan pregnant...Scandal New Video Free Download

Is Sakshi Pradhan pregnant?

Bigg Boss 4 Sakshi Pradhan's Pregnancy Reports

Sakshi Pradhan MMS SEX TAPE SCANDAL Video Uncensored

Sakshi Pradhan MMS Scandal New Video Free Download

Sakshi Pradhan pregnancy news
at Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bigg Boss 4 on colors channel, Sakshi Pradhan is the youngest of them all. The program has completed one week last Sunday successfully.

The season four of this famous show where all participants are supposed to live together in the Bigg Boss’ house is being anchored by naughty and witty actor of Bollywood Salman Khan.

Sakshi Pradhan was known to nobody until she acquired the fame from MTV channel’s popular program Splitsvilla season 2. The program on V channel is quite popular among younger generation of the country. Bigg Boss is the Indian version of international US program Big Brother.

After spending one week on Bigg Boss 4 house with other housemates, Sakshi has caught up with a controversy making spicy gossip material at most of the news channels and other media sources.

Sakshi is a young, glamorous girl famous for her free lifestyle. The rumours are about her pregnancy. She is carrying a baby or not is the point of debate these days all around.

It could be TRP related material or might be a truth is yet to be established. Sakshi Pradhan is reported to be in tension in Bigg Boss house. It is also reported that recently she discussed her anxiety with another young girl in the house, Sara Khan.

Sakshi also shared her concern with the senior lady in the house, Shweta Tiwari, and asked her about the measures to be taken. She consulted Shweta Tiwari about the abortion process and the risks involved in that.

Shweta Tiwari, reportedly, has told Sakshi not to worry about it. Sakshi on the other hand has requested Bigg Boss to send a gynaecologist in the House to get her examined and confirm if she is really pregnant of not? Probably the pregnancy test has been conducted and has been reported to be negative. That has relieved Sakshi of her tensions and has got her back to her jolly mood.

Sakshi was recently caught in another scandal related to a MMS covered in a 14 seconds movie showing her flirting and kissing freely.

At least she seems to be out of her tension related to pregnancy and would have a good time there in Bigg Boss house as long as she is there.

Sakshi Pradhan Interview On Pregnancy

This Splitsvilla 2 winner, who got eliminated from the Bigg Boss house sometime back, loves being in the news. While she was in the house, she was allowed to consult a doctor and this gave rise to speculation that she was pregnant. Sakshi even confided in her female co-mates, Shweta Tiwari, Veena Malik and Sara Khan that she'd missed her menstrual cycle and she was worried if she was pregnant....

Why is it that you have always hit headlines for controversy? Do you think when you need limelight to be in news any publicity is good publicity?
I don't know why my name is associated with controversy. I want to meet those people who are spreading these stories and have a heart-to-heart conversation with them. They don't realise that I'm somebody's daughter and I have a personal life too. Gossip doesn't affect me. But I hope that it doesn't affect people close to me. I don't look to be in news and create false stories that are sensational so that I get good coverage. If media is doing that, it is their fault as they are lapping up controversy without even checking the news.

Are you pregnant as was reported?
This one was the most bizarre one. I'm 21. Why will I be pregnant when all that I'm thinking is about my career? I'm not pregnant and don't intend to be.

Has your MMS sex scandal got you attention that made you get a chance to be in the house?
I hope not as I know people who don't even have any controversy around them who were approached by the channel. I don't want to talk about the sex scandal. It has disturbed me enough and has depressed me. I have clarified it a long back.

It is also being said that you are the person who has got Sara Khan excited about Ashmit?
Sara is a grown up girl and she knows what she is doing. I'm not the one creating a rift between her and Ali Merchant (Sara's boyfriend). She calls Ashmit Pops and he thinks of her as his daughter. The show is just playing portions that can be perceived as sensational for TRPs. Don't go by that.

Sakshi Pradhan On Her MMS Video Clip

'I am not a sl*t. I can prove it'

Says MTV Splitsvilla 2 winner Sakshi Pradhan, as she tries to clear the air about the sleep and win allegations made against her.

"I am embarrassed, shocked and depressed," said a weeping Sakshi Pradhan, the winner of MTV reality show Splitsvilla 2, as she replied to the allegations made against her by fellow former contestant Swagata G Shah in MiD DAY (Sleep and Win; edition dated July 26).

Terming the allegations "false", Sakshi vouched she was not a "sl*t" and said she could "prove it too".

Sour grapes?

"It is a case of sour grapes. I don't know why these contestants are trying to malign me. Just because I speak my mind, doesn't mean I sleep around with people," said Sakshi. However, the 21-year-old winner was silent on the contestants who had made the accusations. Reiterating her unflinching faith in god, she said, "truth will come out one day."

'Not me'

Sakshi also added that the girl in the porn MMS tape being circulated was not her. "I am tired of shouting it is not me in the MMS. You can check my reputation in Noida (where she grew up) and Pune (where she studied) before saying it is me. I am a well-educated girl and am aware how the industry functions. Am I stupid to spread such malicious rumours about my own character? My career is about to take off and I don't need any negative publicity to push it further," said Sakshi.

'MTV professional'

Remaining loyal to MTV, the television channel that made her famous, Sakshi said she had nothing to with Joanna Magee (a top contender of the show, who was alleged to have been backed by the show's bosses in return for sexual favours.) "I don't know her and don't want to say anything about her. As far as I am aware, everyone at MTV was professional and no one had time to mingle with each other."

Eva Longoria Parker Want Her husband Detach

From left: Tony Parker, Eva Longoria, Erin Barry and Brent Barry

Tony Parker sent text messages to a former teammate's wife but didn't have a physical relationship with her, a source close to Parker tells PEOPLE.

"They knew each other, sent each other messages," the source claims. "It was flirtatious, but he never did anything with her."

Longoria, 35, filed for divorce on Wednesday, then accused Parker, 28, of sending hundreds of text messages to the woman.

Longoria didn't identify her, but the source says it was Erin Barry, wife of Brent Barry, who played with Parker on the San Antonio Spurs from 2004 to 2008.,,20443142,00.html

ERIN BARRY = TONY PARKER MISTRESS? TMZ Bombshell: "Teammate" Supposedly Was Brent Barry

Tony Parker Eva Longoria Parker Mario Lopez & Courtney Mazza at Nobu in West Hollywood

Eva Longoria Parker telah mengajukan perceraian dengan suaminya, Tony Parker, setelah tiga tahun menjadi suami istri, demikian menurut

Eva mengajukan gugatan cerai itu hari Rabu 17 November 2010 ke Pengadilan Tinggi Los Angeles.

Dalam surat gugatan itu dia meminta namanya dipulihkan dari nama Parker menjadi Eva Jacqueline Longoria.

Beberapa dokumen juga menyatakan bahwa pasangan tersebut juga mempunyai perjanjian pranikah yang ditandatangani tahun 2007, pada saat pernikahan mereka dan diubah pada tahun 2009.

Eva mengatakan perbedaan pendapat yang tidak bisa diperbaiki lagi antara dia dan suaminya merupakan alasan dia mengajukan gugatan cerai.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

LONDEH MOVIE - Thailand » Movie Plus

Movie Plus is an online movies channel from Thailand.

LONDEH TV- Thailand »Variety One,Outlook Channe

Thailand »Variety One



AV is an online General TV staion from Austria.

TW 1 is an online Weather TV staion from Austria.

LONDEH TV- Austria » Mittelburgenland TV

Mittelburgenland TV is an online Entertainment TV staion from Austria.

Panorama SPT is an online General TV staion from Austria.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


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Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vasuda Sharma...Socha Na Tha *Full Song* Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hai Tu (2010)

Indian Ghazal singer Jagjit Singh performs during the music launch of Bollywood actor, writer, director and playwright Makrand Deshpande's upcoming Hindi film “Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hain Tu” in Mumbai on November 2, 2010.

Indian singer Vasudha Sharma performs during the music launch of Bollywood actor, writer, director and playwright Makrand Deshpande's upcoming Hindi film “Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hain Tu” in Mumbai on November 2, 2010.

Socha Na Tha *Full Song* Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hai Tu (2010) - Vasuda Sharma

"Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hai Tu" - Trailer (90 sec) - 2010

Batiyan *Full Song* Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hai Tu (2010) - Vasuda Sharma

Tittle Song Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hai Tu (2010) - Vasuda Sharma

Vasuda Sharma.MOV

Bhool Jaana *Full Song* Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hai Tu (2010) - Jagjit Singh

Bhool Jaana II *Full Song* Shahrukh Bola Khoobsurat Hai Tu (2010) - Jagjit Singh

New York premiere of "127 Hours" at Chelsea Clearview Cinema on November 2, 2010 in New York City

Actor James Franco attends the New York premiere of "127 Hours" at Chelsea Clearview Cinema on November 2, 2010 in New York City

Musician Camilla Romestrand and Charlie Aksun attend the New York premiere of "127 Hours" at Chelsea Clearview Cinema on November 2, 2010 in New York City

Zoe Lister Jones and Daryl Wein attend the New York premiere of "127 Hours" at Chelsea Clearview Cinema on November 2, 2010 in New York City

NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 02: Jennifer Missoni attends the New York premiere of "127 Hours" at Chelsea Clearview Cinema on November 2, 2010 in New York City

127 HOURS - Full Length Official Trailer HD

127 HOURS - Official HD Teaser Trailer

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Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang membeli (memilih) kufur dengan meninggalkan iman tidak sekali-kali mereka akan dapat mendatangkan mudarat kepada Allah sedikitpun, dan mereka pula beroleh azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya. (A-li'Imraan 3:177) .






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